Botanical Garden

 Botanical Garden (or Jardin Botanique) in Pondicherry was established to be an elegant French garden. It’s a quiet and calming retreat for you to relax and beat the scorching heat. The gate exhibiting the grandiose of French architecture leads you to a world of greenery and peace.
The garden has around 1500 plant varieties, divided into 30 sections across the garden. Giant trees and fossil plants are the highlights of the Pondicherry Botanical Garden. And with this mix of endangered and exotic plant species, Botanical Garden of Pondicherry is a haven for nature lovers.

The Botanical Garden was developed in 1826 to study the performance of various plants in the climate of Pondicherry. In 1829, around 800-900 plant species were grown here. Later, in 1838, S.G. Perottet, an eminent botanist, added many new and rare species to create a live herbarium. Other botanists also introduced several new plants over time.
After Puducherry became a Union Territory in 1954, the Department of Agriculture took the responsibility of maintaining the Botanical Garden.